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Read all product labels before use. Do not apply if rain is imminent or forecast within 24 hours of application. Be sure to wear eye protection when mixing or applying coating and repair products.

Surface Prepraration
Clean Clean Concrete Surface
Sweep all dirt and loose debris from concrete surface. Scrub all oil and gasoline stains with household detergent and water. Rinse off entire concrete surface with water and allow to dry thoroughly before applying concrete sealer.
Clean Clean and Fill Cracks
Remove dirt and vegetation from cracks with screwdriver, wire brush or other suitable instrument. Clean out cracks with hose and water and allow to dry. Fill cracks up to 1/2” wide with SealBest Pourable Concrete Crack Sealant. Fill larger cracks up to 1” wide with SealBest Concrete Patch. Allow crack filler or patch to dry 24 hours prior to applying SealBest Concrete Sealer.

Applying Concrete Sealer
Concrete Rolling Application Considerations
Application temperature must be a minimum of 50°F and rising. Do not apply when temperature is expected to drop below 50°F within a 24 hour period. In areas where dew or fog accumulates in the early evening, it is best to coat in the morning. Stop coating by early afternoon (3:00 pm) to prevent wash off, which will occur if dew, fog, or rain arrive before coating dries. Do not apply if rain is imminent or forecast within 24 hours of application.
Spraying Sealer Applying Concrete Sealer
Stir pail thoroughly. SealBest Concrete Sealer is ready-to-use. Do not dilute. Apply a thin even coat of concrete sealer with a roller, brush, or garden type sprayer. For best results apply at a rate of 200 square feet per gallon per coat. Additional coats may be applied to create a higher gloss surface. Allow sealer to cure 24-48 hours before opening to vehicle traffic. Wash tools with water before material dries.




2520 South Campbell Street •  Sandusky, Ohio 44870 • Phone: 1-800-326-1994 • (419) 626-4375
Fax: (419) 626-5477 • E-mail: info@sealbest.com

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